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Wine tasting with red Italian wines at Eataly

In this guided wine tasting with red Italian wines at Eataly in Stockholm, you will learn more about Italian wine production, and sample some of the country's best red wines. The tasting follows certain steps, and in the meantime you will learn to recognize the stylistic differences between different wines — from bold Tuscan wines, to elegant wines from Piedmont. It will be a trip for the taste buds that will soon be forgotten, and the experience is perfect both to pamper yourself a little extra, or to give as a different gift to a dear friend!

What is included
  • Guided tasting
  • Expert who answers all questions
  • 3 glasses of red Italian wines
  • Cold cuts and cheese to snack during the class
Buy a gift cardGive someone you care about an experience they'll never forget.
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About Eataly

Eataly's founding philosophy is to combine a vibrant marketplace with restaurants, market hall, and education. Eataly also places great focus on local producers, who contribute fresh produce and ingredients to complement the Italian products. The unique setting invites guests to ** “Eat, shop and learn” ** about high-quality Italian food and beverages.

EatalyBiblioteksgatan 5111 44 Stockholm 8 400 175 00
© 2024 Eataly
From SEK 695/guest
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From SEK 695/guest